

So we had a seriously great time up in Birmingham last week. Look, even Benedict Cumberbatch seems to be enjoying himself:

Wicked venue. Great to catch up with CARTHAGE again. Scorn / Napalm Death legend Nick Bullen in the crowd, and great to see our friends from Leeds, Staffs and The Black Country!

Check out a review and some snaps from the gig:

"A grizzly baguette of barbed-wire oozing delicious Dubstep bass feeding off a Gary Gilmore’s Eyes riff... Sigur Rós verses the Chemical Brothers on Diazepam."

We managed to explore a few of these abandoned buildings (or 'songs' as they are also known as) at the gig: http://themekanoset.bandcamp.com/album/hand-in-hand #dark #electro #bass #beer #beats #idontknowwhattocallit #niceshoes

And how about the groovy shots that Belle took at the Camden gig:

What else have we got for you?

Our press / propaganda / disinformation grrrl now has an entertaining (if uninformative) twitter account: http://twitter.com/MekanoSetPress

There is also a page on our website with previews and a link to a 20 page newsletter filled with hi-fi pics, news and reviews: http://www.mekanoset.net/noiseletter.html

Link to NoiseLetter pdf

OK, time to kick back and not move about very much for a bit...


Every Sunday is like Kevin Spacey

We had a seriously good night at Sticky Mike's. Total funs. Nice sound system. A smooth and grimy set. Thanks to all involved and see you Saturday at the Cowley Steamy Punky SluTDisKo!

x The Mekano Set x