


So, it's been a while, what have you done to yourself? For the pasts couple of months we've been rehearsing, recording, mixing and remixing; all with a view to refining a sound and groove (noise) that we've become very excited by and happy with. We've also had a bit of time to just have some fun too. We figure we've earned that. So there.

Hard at work: Lee, Jutine, Milk

I've compiled a list of the most recent songs and mixes below. Oh yes. They aren't on CD, iTunes, Spotify etc. Most of them can be downloaded for free via Viinyl Singles, all you have to do is say what you think of the song on your twitter google+, facebook etc. page.

Justine and Nigel: a break from the breaks.

If you're feeling shy but generous, you can purchase high quality mp3's of all of the fresh noise goodies via the MekanoBandcamp. We get a real kick out of knowing that people are downloading these and we love to hear what you think of all our noises.

Yes. This actually happened.

We also have confirmed gigs coming up in Brighton and Birmingham (Hare and Hounds!), and are putting together a night in London in September with some like-minded bands including the wonderful Neurotic Mass Movement.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Milk (currently listening to a mix of Jazz Funk (Lonnie Liston-Smith) and quality extreme mangled-guitar-scapes (MUTATE))

Reaching Out


Dirty Hand Job (Dirtier Mix)

Eclipse Pic.

Tide House (High Tide Mix) 

Eclipse Pic

Glass Keys (Vendridi Noir Mix)

Milk pic

Reaching Out (ACTIVPASSIV Mix)

AndWantMore (feat. Mutate)

Hahaharem (Northern Slur Mix)

Don't Eat the Sweets (Candy Mix)

The Mekano Set

Look, even Benedict Cumberbatch seems to be enjoying himself: