
Mekanical Faults

Right, first off - we've fixed our email troubles. Apologies if you've messaged us lately and we haven't got back to you. Troubles with receiving and sending have now been fixed.

So, Email, you think you can defeat us?

Right, and now for news regarding noises of a Mekanical nature:

The Nineteen Eighty-Four themed Slu-T-Disko Cowley gig was a typically riotous affair. A group of young (male) fans took to chanting footy-lad style between songs which was almost as annoying and uncomfortable as the over-excited metal dude that lobbed his empty pint glass without looking where it would land.

The Bandcamp edition of the new EP now contains a high quality edition of the Hahaharem eZine, with 26 pages filled with lush photography, news, some live reviews and tales of our adventures.

You can download a slightly less juicy but equally informative version for free: TheMekanoSet_NoiseLetter_HahaharemEdition.pdf
Hahaharem eZine

And here's a glimpse of a new song we've been working on recently: 

We're also assembling a nicely eclectic collection of T-shirts at our SpreadShirt store:

And sorting things out for our night at the legendary Hope and Anchor...
