

We've obtained permission to get the video for You're The One Who Started It back online http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGKGEL5c31s

Also, you can have a listen to a new idea we've been working on, still a work-in-progress, at http://soundcloud.com/mekanoset/ we started it with a view to making some kind of gentle, almost cheerful song but it inevitably went down the road of spiteful electro stomp. We like the fact that the baritone ended up doing the Chameleons style guitar thing.

Had a great time at Cowley Club Wednesday night. Nigel (of John Table / Reel to Real / fame and early Mekano Set instigator) came down and I basically talked his and Jo's ear off until god knows what time. Possibility of working with Nigel again in the near future is a very good thing schedules permitting and I'll hopefully drag him along to the next Wrapped in Plastic (who are now called Blindness) gig in July.

Abstinence and Sensibility did a new piece. A film / video and live soundtrack. That's sort of our 'thing'. We used accordion, melodica, bass guitar, some reverse reverb piano and I even felt brave enough to do some live looping. I did some singing and bass loops which felt really good. We're taking it up to London for the Hoxton gigs.

This week we've also done some more work on the videos for You Make Me Feel Like a Smiths Song and Don't Eat the Sweets. And I'm hopefully meeting up with nomadic troubadour Sahara Ezzi next week.

Enough for now,


The Mekano Set