

Season's great things to you and yours. Especially those of you that are working over this magic weekend. Some of us know you are out there, making a difference and we put you in our thoughts. Laughing bealing.

Here's to slipping between the meaningless rituals and Cargo Cult places.
Freedom regardless of circumstance.

This is my tiny ChristMoose tree (I will be planting him somewhere after New Error's Eve):

For grimy trip-hop with the lights off, shoegaze gone wrong, a brand new video from us for I'm Thinking About It:

For movement, Underworld seem to know where they are going:

For vibe, Leftfield + Toni Haliday (Curve)

For Thought-Food, an interview with John and Keith Pil, when they were still full of ideas and ideals:

For stillness: snow-drift smothered voices for the Chrimbo vibe. Don't play it too loud or your speakers will ill:

I've never been very good at saying anything positive. I don't know. Thanks for sticking with us.

See you between.

The Mekano Set


I don't think it's about taking sides. I think it's about showing support, representing.Currently on repeat:

Curve: Horror Head.

King Midas Sound: Documentary.

Blindness: interview / collage.

Mutate: Vangelish

The Bug: Catch a Fire

Comsat Angels - Independence Day

The Mekano Set xxx