I'm currently in the process of relocating instruments, equipment, studio and life to Liverpool.
Why Milk Why?!
Brighton is a great place to hide. It's a great place to do nothing. But not a great place if you want to get stuff done.
So... what we're planning to do next is to try to make something a bit more special than another batch of bandcamp / iTunes / Spotify releases. Once the songs are mixed and mastered, we want to put out a high quality digipak CD package of songs that won't just be available online.
Something with a seriously lush inlay / sleeve / booklet / gate-fold digipak etc.
I've always said I don't want to do another 'album'. But after putting Behind The Sins together I feel that there's something that we can do with a full-length CD that can still be experimental and fun. I'm thinking of segments of 3 / 4 songs that work well together, then a pure location / drone track then another 3 songs...
As well as the noise-scapes we've put out and about via Viinyl.com, leaving USB Juju sticks on trains and park benches etc. we do have some new songs that are pretty much completed. I just need to finish the mixes - I mean, I just have to STOP mixing them.
Photography c/o Dark Waters Festival, Mel Butler Photography, David McKnight @ Davefish Photography.
The Mekano Set