
Letters From Imercia

Sifting through old blogs and newsletters for Letters From Imercia (which is now around 200 pages long and counting):

"I do worry about outstaying my welcome. So I tend to leave pretty much just before I arrive. It's for the best."

"I have a rotten flu and my usual effects setup died on me but Budvar and the current kick-in-the-muffins situation made it all totally worthwhile."

"The girl with red hair seemed to be drunk. She had what my friends and I suspected to be cigarette burns on her arm beneath a bandage she wore. But she did not wear any shoes."

"It's been a surprisingly busy month for The Mekano Set. No, honestly, they've really been making an effort, with the all new exciting haircuts and that. Oh yes, like they just stepped out of the fucking Salon."

"So anyway yeah let's talk about music and shit. Man, you do not need prescription for that."

Milk was spotted at a recent gig actually NOT wearing the same ratty jeans and T-shirt he always wears on stage. Playing some kind of machine gun. Beth meanwhile was so enraged at this discovery that she tore her own outfit for the night to shreds with her teeth. We can neither confirm nor deny the rumour that Patrick wore flip-flops. Bass players.

"Plain music will not destroy walls, but objective music indeed can do so. And not only can it destroy but it can also build up." G. I. Gurdjieff

"In Imercia, it's considered impolite to acknowledge the presence of another person. You have to wait for them to acknowledge you."

"And then clean up mess with Mekano Set cleaning product at exclusive new hot and rad online 24-7 store where you can buy hot shit action on the toilet. You will like that."

Also - just been reminded by Big Andy you can hear our mix of Brand New Bad Idea v Cottonmouth Rocks @ www.myspace.com/brandnewbadideai Lovely tune!



Now You Know is a very new song, and probably still a work in progress, not finished but like to share: www.last.fm/music/The+Mekano+Set/Make


Fake prescription medication. Dadbands. Bratpack attitude. Trying to look Japanese. Pretending to have obscure illnesses. Ditch your iPod for an antique midi-hifi or cassette player. Grey shoes. Boring old-people drinks. Cheap wartime fags. My top ti...ps for what some wanker will be telling you to do this Autumn. Tossers.

I'm talking grey plastic slip-on shoes. Sherry. Pretending to have a fatal illness. Pretending to take your 'medication'. Getting into really boring music. Fuck the Beatles. And pretending to be Sinatra. Really old crap sci-fi tv shows too.

Oh and brown clothes too. Brown tracksuits. Brown trousers. Brown polo-necks.

Shops that let you pretend to steal stuff. Health foods designed to look and taste really unhealthy. Going out to eat a load of meat. And Katie Price's real face is more full of holes and knife scars than mine!

Also, having a bar in the corner of your room. That sort of tacky shit.

Carrying inappropriate stuff in your pockets. Dildos. Knickers. Blood-stained knives. Lock-picks. Other people's teeth.


The scent of smoke and wine on someone else's breath. The soft-sharp chime of ice in a glass. The nihilistic charm of heels on pavement. The soft smirk of a girl farting. The ugly truth of waking at dawn wrapped in cold, sweat soaked bedsheets. Cold pizza for breakfast.



Closet-Nazi Nick Griffin is overly fond of school girls? Have a listen to 'Nazis Go Home' before it gets itself into trouble: http://www.myspace.com/firesmadesafe

Love all the people.




We decided that we are much more excited about working on the book than finishing the CD. We always wanted to have a book done before we ever released any music - how obnoxious / egotistical is that? So while you can buy the album via iTunes store, at the moment we're having more fun putting the book together. The CD artwork still hasn't happened.

The CD / DVD pack is actually much closer to completion than the CD. So we might do a limited run of that if there's enough interest.

However, we're really really pleased with the new songs that have come about. We feel like we've reached a peak with the more Milk / rock centric material and can now move on to some more adventurous things.

Since we started, we've daydreamed about doing some kind of lo-fi but not acoustic set. Do versions of songs that focus on the drones and the vocals, with less emphasis on the beats and basslines, so we can all take a look at what's really going on behind the groove. All the springs and cables exposed. When we next get together we're going to give it a go and if we're happy we'll do a show or two along these lines. Especially now the whole 'electro' thing has become so bloody mainstream and cheap. Too easy now.

Meanwhile, you can join us @ http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=87903390807, there's two fresh tunes on our myspace player, and there's always something new @ http://www.thesixtyone.com/themekanoset/

Hope this finds you well,

The Meks


"My ambition," says Ruse, "was to eat every single kind of mint there is."

Arrive @ Birmingham New Street for Go! Club gig amidst riot vans and race rioting.

Digbeth is in Birmingham and is a strange place, kind of desolate but with some really cool bits and pieces (vintage clothes warehouse, massive Pagan looking man sculpture cornered by the Custard Factory). Our hotel was vast and weird.

Great to make some noise with smoke machines and visuals on the go. Oh yes. Couple of new songs (I'mFine and Plavitzia) got an airing. Sounding really good. Even thought the soundman (who looked about 12 years old) had no idea what he was doing.

I'm warming to the idea of gigging more regularly, even if the whole experience leaves you feeling bruised. Bruised but sated.

Really superb sets from Visualaudioreplicant and Miss Halliwell.

Also really really pleased to say that we're going to be playing Brighton on 5th November. Bonfire Toffee!

There's a massive full moon out there tonight. Cheers to Ruse for DJ duties + great noises from Visualaudioreplicant and Miss Halliwell.

We're playing Brighton on 5th November!!!!!!

Listening to Tony Bennett and Ruby.

The Mekano Set