

We decided that we are much more excited about working on the book than finishing the CD. We always wanted to have a book done before we ever released any music - how obnoxious / egotistical is that? So while you can buy the album via iTunes store, at the moment we're having more fun putting the book together. The CD artwork still hasn't happened.

The CD / DVD pack is actually much closer to completion than the CD. So we might do a limited run of that if there's enough interest.

However, we're really really pleased with the new songs that have come about. We feel like we've reached a peak with the more Milk / rock centric material and can now move on to some more adventurous things.

Since we started, we've daydreamed about doing some kind of lo-fi but not acoustic set. Do versions of songs that focus on the drones and the vocals, with less emphasis on the beats and basslines, so we can all take a look at what's really going on behind the groove. All the springs and cables exposed. When we next get together we're going to give it a go and if we're happy we'll do a show or two along these lines. Especially now the whole 'electro' thing has become so bloody mainstream and cheap. Too easy now.

Meanwhile, you can join us @ http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=87903390807, there's two fresh tunes on our myspace player, and there's always something new @ http://www.thesixtyone.com/themekanoset/

Hope this finds you well,

The Meks